Learn computer science for free.

Ideoxan is empowering the next generation of programmers, makers, and inventors.

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Empower your future

  • Interactive Content

    All courses include interactive quizzes, lessons, and exercises. Each exercise has a certain objective that needs to be completed through the online code editor.

  • Professional Grade Courses

    Courses are written by developers with years of programming and computer science experience. Gain technical know-how and job relevant knowledge with ease.

  • Take Control

    Learn at your own pace without the pressure from an online instructor. You get to decide your future in CS with the tools of tomorrow.

Group of students sitting on laptops programming.

Introducing Ideoxan Solutions

Need to supercharge learning in your classroom? Find a new way to educate with IX/EDU

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Free for everyone, forever

  • Zero Cost

    We have kept our promise of "Free for everyone, forever." We will never charge individual accounts nor will content ever be paywalled

  • Open For All

    All courses are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. Courses can be viewed, modified, and re-distributed free of charge.

Learn the next great thing

With so many courses to choose from, you can find your new favorite programming language. Drop into a ready developer environment within seconds and start coding in any browser.

Intro to HTML

Learn the basics of what makes up the world wide web in this introductory course.

Intro to CSS

CSS allows for any HTML document to be stylized and formatted. In this course you will learn the basics of CSS and be able to apply styles to HTML documents.

Intro to NodeJS

NodeJS is the runtime built on top of the v8 engine that allows for JavaScript to be run in desktop and server environments.

Intro to C

C is a general purpose programming language invented in 1970 by Dennis Ritchie. Despite its age, today C is still just as powerful as it is popular.

We <3 open source

All courses curated by Ideoxan are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Courses can be viewed, modified, and re-distributed free of charge. The website, server, and editor are open source as well. All of our content is available on GitHub.

Ideoxan is community driven. Due to the open source model, new courses can be easily added to the catalogue. Ideoxan is backed by over a dozen contributors in the open source community. Courses are created by the community, for the community.

Level up your coding skills

Coming Soon
  • Learn More, Earn More

    Completing a lesson rewards you with Ideoxan Bits, a virtual token system. Depending on the difficulty of a course, more Bits may be rewarded.

  • Compete Against Others

    Climb the leaderboards in a friendly community competition. Earn the most points and you might find your place on the leaderboard!

  • Earn Prizes

    In the Ideoxan Marketplace, you can exchange Bits for various prizes. Not only can you earn some cool Ideoxan merch, but you can also take part in limited time offers through our industry partners.

Start your programming journey.

It takes less than 5 minutes to get started for no cost!